Ammaaz Mart Main Picture

Follow MAP

Ammaaz Mart vision of making this platform is to assist wholesalers with profit. It is a two-way process where we and the brand make profit simultaneously. Therefore, we make sure to follow Minimum Advertising Price (MAP) set by the brand. Brands have all the authority to decide the minimum price for their product and we take it as our responsibility to maintain the very rate. We believes in the authority of the brands in deciding their minimum advertised price. We make sure that their right is duly kept and maintained. Therefore, the prices of the products are upheld as decided by the respective brand. The minimum price would certainly attract more customers hence uplifting the brand’s image by procuring more sales. 

Maximizing Sales

Another important motive of our ecommerce business is securing more sales for the brand. We help brands maximize their sales by selling their products on various ecommerce platforms. Our website specializes in selling the products on third party platforms. 

The products are listed on other online platforms like eBay, Walmart, Amazon, Shopify, and more. The listing is regularly updated to help the products rank better and surface on the screens of the buyers more frequently. The more the products come on top in searches, the more will be the sales.

Building a Brand

A very important rather crucial aspect in business is creating the brand’s image or what is more commonly called as endorsement. We, at Ammaaz Mart, work tirelessly to make sure that the brand’s image is well-kept. As explained earlier, we believe in co-existing. 

Our motto is to make the brand notable in the eyes of the consumer. Therefore, we work to make the products look more likeable for our buyers. This effort would not only serve us in maximizing the sales but would also endorse the brand more to strengthen its foothold in the online market.

Help you Sell More

Helping You Sell More

A brand is strengthened through its increased sales and we work to achieve that. Our ecommerce venture endeavors to increment the sales of the brand to make it more successful. Listing the products on other platforms including Shopify, Walmart, eBay, Amazon, etc. would help in the branding of the product. The products will be a single click away from the potential buyers. Also, better ranking of the product will definitely impact the sales. In turn, the image of the brand will be fortified.

Our online business is established to work for the wholesalers or the brand. We choose to be the mediators between the seller/wholesaler and the consumer. Our aim is to deliver the best while being beneficial to the brands. We strive not to be the sellers but a platform that promotes the brand as well.  

About Us

Ammaaz Mart is a fresh e-commerce venture built with a set perspective. Our motto is to represent products from wholesalers on third-party sites. We aim to make your brand look more impressive and enticing to boost up your sales. Improving the growth and sales of your products is our aim since your success is our success!
Ammaaz Mart is an online business located in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California. We started this venture in 2019 with an idea to gather different brands and their splendid products and provide them a place for better exposure so that selling and buying becomes easier than usual. We add value to your products and your brand by expanding your reach in reputed ecommerce sites. With the world turning into global village, it has become a pinning need to create such online ventures.
We gather a diverse range of products from different brands and sell them on different platforms. Our scope is not limited to a specific niche, in fact, we sell everything from kitchen ware to office products to cleaning supplies and much more.

Contact Us




21534 Devonshire St,
Chathsworth, CA, 91311.